Wednesday, 4 May 2022

The nicest kitty

Alvar is a dear. 99 percent of the time. A friendly cuddly furball.
And, he's pretty choleric. He's able to switch from purring plushie to a ball of fury and sharp bits in no time - and when he is not happy with something, he doesn't bother with hissing or growling, he goes for blood.

The time of the year has come - Alvar's vaccination. He hates the carrier and he hates the vet. Cat bites are nästi. I bled all over the place because the damn fucker hit a vein but I had a vet appointment so I just bandaged it and off I went. Ines didn't cooperate at all, she's cuddly only on her own terms  so she added a few minor scratches.
At the vet, there was the usual scene involving screaming, thick gloves and a blanket and when I took the gloves off thinking it was over, the sucker jumped and bit my left hand.
Obviously, the wounds started to fester overnight. I got antibiotics and more band aids and off I went to a three-day botanical event with quite some hand shaking.

Well, some people get tattoos, I get cat-inflicted wounds

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